Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What's Your Stance? Poster

1. Do you believe your stance clear within your poster?
To some extent, my stance is clear. It is clear in the sense that the viewer could understand the main idea behind the poster, that our oceans are very polluted (shown through the fish on the bottom). However, the viewer may not understand the other half of my stance: polluted waters are affecting human health. I used a cutting board and waves to show that we may be consuming fish that contains plastic--not sure if the cutting board makes this clear. 

2. From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
The thumbnails helped me explore multiple ideas and ways that I could organize my poster, which allowed me to rule out the ones that weren't that strong. There were some changes to my poster from the thumbnail, but in general, I was quite successful in executing the project digitally. 

3. What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? 
Instead of having garbage spilling from the fish, I had the fish itself be filled with garbage. It seems that if I did not make this change, my stance would not be that strong/clear. I also changed the location of the information. I originally wanted it to be at the bottom of the page, but then moved some of the info. to the middle, where the waves were. This way, the information could be more evenly distributed on the empty space.

4. Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Which category do you feel the least confident? 
Strongest: Design. I distributed the information based on their importance in making my stance stronger. I put the most important at the top of the waves, so that the viewer could see it right away (after the title), and the least important at the bottom.
Weakest: Concept. My stance is clear in terms of getting the idea across that the oceans are polluted, but maybe not as clear of the danger of pollution to human health. Refer to question #1.

5. What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually?
The most challenging was that I had two 'parts' to my concept, but didn't know how to execute both without neglecting the other. For example, I would have multiple designs, but they all only expressed one part of my stance, the other part was unclear. 

6. What was most challenging about the project, technically?
The most challenging was using the pen tool for text on a path. When I wanted to make adjustments to paths, the anchor tool and convert anchor got was a bit confusing, since they both had similar jobs. I "experimented" a few times making the same path before I understood how to use both effectively.

First Version 


1 comment:

  1. I think your stance was clear that littering has harmful consequences on the animals that live in the ocean. I really like how you presented two pictures of the fish, the first one showing what it looks like on the outside and what it really looks like on the inside. Your poster moved me and made me think more about garbage and where they should be disposed. I think the picture of the fish showing the garbage inside was very strong and it really reinforced your message.
